Sunday, March 17, 2013

work hard. play hard.

....I think we've taken the phrase "work hard, play hard" to the next level.

We've been working hard. And we've been playing just as hard.  I'm sure through social networks all I post is food, fun, family and food again. In the cracks of all that playing it's been a whole crazy ton of business.  Too busy if you ask me!

both of us work about a 50 hour work week on average and we commute an hour and some change each way to work.  Because we only have one car we leave extra early so I can drop Calv off in the morning. We grocery shop on Mondays right after work so once we get home it's already about 8. A hard time to be motivated to work out-- but we try.  Church responsibilities, making meals, exercising, laundry, cleaning somehow fits into the time we come home from work....oh and doing the house thing. Yes the house thing has taken most of our time.  It's worth it because the countdown is two weeks from tomorrow. Don't ask me if i'm ready to move in...because, I don't know how to answer that. haha. But we are happy!

The weekend was spent in Hilton Head with my family.  When I say family, i really mean the combination of the two youngest kids and my parents.  (It's funny when there is 7 of us and the dynamics of who is there changes so much!) We loved it. We were laughing our heads off most of the time! We road bikes, tanned by the pool, inhaled some southern comfort food, munched on cadbury eggs, played 'spoons', walked on the beach, played pool..(cut throat with 6 people takes like 50 min. by the way) was awesome.

We also spent the afternoon in Savannah.  It was beautiful--can't wait to go back. There are so many awesome places that are just 4 hours away!!

I have also started training for another half marathon and also a marathon later this year. I'm crazy-- but I love to run so I'm always happier when I make time to do it.

 Some Savannah!

Walked in to this 'To Do' list...they were so excited for us to get there!

me being extremely happy on a bike.

Well -- happy beginnings of the heat! I love this season!!