Just a list of things you like and do when you're 23...
1. calv and I graduated college together-- finally. go cougs
2. went to two of my siblings weddings
2.5 My best friend renee got married
3. 7 beach trips, 2 river runs, and a whole lot of pool scenes
4. 2 year anniversary (6.25)
5. did the big move-- to charlotte (i'm in love)
5.5 Charleston, Hilton Head, Savannah
6. NYC Interview with Conde Nast (the best)
7. Big country road trip with my man
8. Memphis for thanksgiving
9. Memphis with all of my siblings for christmas. so much love there.
10. Started working- paying taxes, commuting, the whole shabang.
11. Paris!
This is all that I can think of right now but by looking at the list, I would say 23 has been a great year. So much learning. Calvin is the best husband in the world. I have no idea how I got so lucky to spend every day with my best friend. He makes my life very happy and we love experiencing life together.
I'm excited for what my 24 year old self will experience.
#1. move into 1st house.
#2. buy new running shoes
#3. make more friends
#4 Cook more than 5 dinners
#5 Don't eat as much ice cream
...ya lookin' good so far. see you when i'm 24. 23 -- keep it real.