Saturday, September 29, 2012

up from there.

When calvin and i graduated and moved out of the college starving student scene, it was only up from there.  That's what i thought at least in regards to our finances and the fact that i had never bought a piece of furniture.  My theory was that I didn't want to by any thing second hand and have to haul it anywhere.  Well we left provo with only a car full of stuff after 2 years of marriage. A celebratory, yet also depressing thing if you think about it.  It was an exciting feeling to be able to 'enter the real world' and start afresh. Cute apartment, nice area, pinterest like living room, pinterest like kitchen, pinterest like clothes, pinterest like ready made dinner...and i'm sure you can tell that the fantasy list goes on.

but that's really what i pictured when I moved away from said college town and everything that involved 70's furniture.  I tried to offset most of the nasty pieces with semi-cute and oddly expensive throws (gift cards from wedding). It was a pretty good try.

I would just like to share the reality of my life as of now.  I wanted to be out of the ordinary and give the close circle of family/friends (hey mom) that read my posts a taste of my actual day to day.  Instead of the almost unreal birthday parties, matchy matchy family nights, fit for a queen bee living room and paula dean wednesday night feasts, I wanted to show our take home dinner, our home made signs for celebrations, our messy closet and i'll talk about our decor later.

The thing with the sarcastic (but still realistic) way of making fun of those that live in wonderlands is that that is also pretty low.  Bragging about what you don't do and what 'actually' happens day to day makes for lame conversation as well.  Sometimes I feel stupid talking about how I can't cook and how Calvin catches me using the 'wrong' towels for wiping spills.  Let's just say I feel it's the other extreme. In a twisted way it is also bragging, pretty much because of what I actually get away with-kind of sad.  Now that i think about it, you may have to be those extremes to get the blocked up traffic feeds and endless comments of affirmation.  What I love about real life is that you get some moments of real perfection and some moments of hilarious lows and each can be appreciated.  Well actually the plaid 80's love seat sitting in my living room can hardly be appreciated at this time...(working on it).

We have counted our blessings with both of us employed (a little more political as we see about 40% of our combined income going straight to 'the man').  I have been hit with a post college reality stick that has positioned me to see that although we are earning more, there is always something to be saving for. Like a house.  Hence my camping themed living room and our king bed made up of 2 twin blow up mattresses.

I've gotten a couple new free additions furniture wise and i can honestly say that even if I purposefully tried, I couldn't ever have gotten my home to unmatch more than it currently is.  Some days it makes me laugh and sometimes it makes me want to spend all our money trying to make it somewhat pinteresting.  I'd like to say I'm more grounded than that, but sometimes I become just a normal girl and am terribly effected by chairs with jungle fabric matched with plaid.

This is a lame, run on sentenced post, but my point was that my living room is almost too ugly to even make fun of.  Hopefully sometime in the future i can actually use the furniture's ugliness to my advantage in the world's most grand 'before' and 'after' makeovers.  probably not.

Anyway-- we're keepin' it totally real here in charlotte.  Missing friends and family. Calv and I went to a work event at the corn maize this morning put on by my work.  It's like 7 acres of maze with 126 intersections of potential wrong decisions.  Groups were formed and a couple of people with kids tried to tag along.  We're a little too comfortable being baby-less and showed the poor people no mercy as we raced to victory.  We left them behind, but we stole first place.  The guilt did not outweigh the fact that we won.  We're kind of sad.  Beautiful weather we're having. People think that's a lame topic, but it's one of my favorites to talk about.

this is a blurry pic of calvin being ninja like in his work clothes

happy days come with happy attitudes.